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Our team is growing and we’re hiring three new positions to join us in early 2023! Read more about the positions below and apply.
Administrative Specialist II
The Administrative Specialist II works in depth with programs, processes, or services that are provided by the department. The Administrative Specialist II provides customer service requiring in-depth knowledge and understanding of programs, processes, or services, administers varied or related processes, and/or provides specialized information related to programs, processes, or services provided by the department.
Director, Community Engagement and Operations
The Director, Community Engagement and Operations assists the Executive Director, efactory in coordinating community engagement activities for the efactory. This position manages efactory daily operations, assesses effectiveness of programs, policies, and procedures, supervises personnel, assists in seeking funding sources, and monitors the departmental budget.
Director, Marketing and Communications
The Director, Marketing and Communications develops and manages marketing and communications for the efactory and its programs. The position represents and promotes the efactory, increasing its visibility and supporting the mission, vision, and goals as well as leads the development and implementation of the efactory’s brand vision, strategy, and public relations campaigns to attract and inform member tenants, clients, program participants, partners, and other stakeholders.