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Purpose Connect nominated semifinalist for the Black Ambition Prize

Selection for Pharrell Williams Competition

Rejection can feel like a door slamming shut in your face. And as an entrepreneur taking a leap of faith, the last thing you want is for your idea to feel dismissed.  

When Dami Odunewu, CEO and founder of Purpose Connect, was rejected by the Black Ambition Prize last year, she was understandably hesitant to apply again. Now that she’s a semifinalist for the $1 million prize, she’s ecstatic that she did. 

“I was on my way to Chicago for an SBA class I’m taking. That’s when I got the email that said you’re a semi-finalist,” she explained. “It’s a big shift to go from getting rejected to getting multiple recognitions in one year.” 

What is Purpose Connect?

Purpose Connect is a no-resume job matching platform for international students. The goal: to increase diversity in Southern Missouri, especially in areas of employment.  

By increasing employment opportunities for international students, Purpose Connect is keeping student retention high and diversity alive in the region – both of which are very important to job seekers looking for inclusivity.   

As a Nigerian woman in tech, she knows a thing or two about feeling like the doors are closed. 

Early on in Odunewu’s life, she knew she wanted to be a medical missionary – it was her passion. Discovering something that she loved was the starting point of her business. 

“If I didn’t discover that in my life, I would have never even thought about going into business. It led me to start asking more questions: ‘What other things am I passionate about?’” 

Rebrand catches attention

Odunewu credits winning this award to the rebranding of the company.  

“When we first launched Purpose Connect, we focused a lot of our messaging on the functionalities. We were missing a really important piece: placing the focus on international students.” 

Now rejuvenated and rebranded, one million dollars would be a massive boost for Purpose Connect. Funding would allow Odunewu to move her team to full-time positions and provide them with more financial security. 

She would also fill the critical positions of customer success managers and a career resource person, creating a more robust support system for both students and employers on her platform. Ultimately, the prize would fuel her company’s growth and accelerate its mission of connecting even more students with employers.   

Black Ambition Prize

Founded by musician Pharrell Williams, the Black Ambition Prize invests capital and resources into businesses founded by Black and Hispanic entrepreneurs. Their mission is to bridge the racial opportunity and wealth gap through diverse environments.  

Here’s the award process: 

  • 250 semifinalists (Purpose Connect was one of 60 in the technology category). 
  • All semifinalists get a three-month mentorship, which Odunewu is really excited about.
  • 36 finalists get selected for prizes ranging from $20,000-$250,000.
  • The top eight finalists will make their pitch in October for the $1 million prize. 

It doesn’t stop there.  

Finalists could receive an additional $25,000 based on public voting. That’s where you come in. Public voting opens early October. If you want to see more opportunity and diversity in Springfield, voting for Purpose Connect will help them expand their reach and create a more inclusive job market. 

Your vote matters

There are many reasons to be a cheerleader for Purpose Connect. Odunewu’s win would be a win for diversity in Springfield. But even beyond the local impact, her story shows perseverance and resourcefulness. Even with limited funding, she has built strong relationships and leveraged mentorships to get her company this far.   

With additional funding, she’ll work even harder at connecting the right people to the right resources so they too, can start doing what they love.