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Using Technology to Increase Independence
Two organizations with ties to the efactory are coming together to find new and innovative ways of delivering care to Missourians.
Hearo Technologies and The Arc of the Ozarks have announced a new pilot program that leverages cutting-edge technology to provide support to individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The program focuses on a remote support monitoring system that enables The Arc of the Ozarks to provide patient care while decreasing the physical presence of direct support staff in the home, therefore increasing patient independence.
Hearo’s technology is being piloted to provide patients with medication reminders and remote communication with staff, as well as safety sensors on doors and windows.

“Technology will have an incredible impact on our mission over the next several years. I firmly believe The Arc of the Ozarks will find innovative ways to further realize its mission by leveraging technology to enhance independence in the lives of the individuals we are so fortunate to serve,” said Tim Dygon, Executive Vice President at The Arc of the Ozarks.
While the program is not intended to replace the need for direct support staffing, the use of technology allows for increased efficiencies. Staff members may support multiple homes simultaneously while cost savings can be retained and reallocated to other areas or programs.
Missouri as a Model
Missouri was designated as a “Technology First State” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health in February of 2019. This designation encourages service providers and funders to evaluate technology first as an option when supporting individuals who need intellectual or developmental disability services (I/DD) instead of the traditional direct support staffing model.
These technologies are not a fit for all Missourians with assistance needs, but offer an exciting and effective means of increasing independence for individuals who qualify.
Pilot programs like this will allow The Arc of the Ozarks to increase independence for individuals, address workforce challenges, increase efficiency, and more.
About Hearo Technologies
Hearo Technologies is an efactory client company based in Springfield, Missouri. Founded in 2018, Hearo is an assistive technology company that helps individuals achieve a greater level of independence in any setting with powerful remote supports for organizations supporting those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Hearo Technologies acquired Eagle Speak, an efactory accelerator portfolio company, in early 2019.
About The Arc of the Ozarks
The Arc of the Ozarks serves individuals with a variety of disabilities. Services include residential, education, dual diagnosis, medically fragile, day habilitation, therapeutic recreation, advocacy, autism services, employment and psychological counseling. The Arc of the Ozarks is a proud member of the efactory’s corporate partner program.