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No-Cost Legal Services for Small Businesses & Startups
As part of Supercharge SWMO efforts, the efactory, Missouri SBDC at MSU and the Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic at the University of Missouri School of Law are excited to announce a new partnership that will provide small businesses and startups throughout southwest Missouri access to legal services at no-cost. Existing small businesses and startups can apply to the Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic to work directly with law school students on legal needs related to starting or growing a business. To engage with the clinic, companies must not otherwise be able to pay for legal services.

The University of Missouri’s Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic was launched in the fall of 2015 to provide opportunities for students to work with existing small businesses and startup clients. The clinic, which is directed by attorney Donald Seitz, helps entrepreneurs by providing supervised legal services involving entity planning and formation, governance issues, employee issues, intellectual property analysis, governmental regulations and contract drafting.
While entrepreneurs receive assistance getting started, law students reap benefits, as well. The hands-on experience of working with real business clients is unmatched in terms of preparation for a career in business law. Students gain valuable experiences and insight while also growing their network and increasing connections.
Apply to be Considered
To apply to be considered, visit: https://law.missouri.edu/elc/.