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Meet our newest team member, Emelie Orlando!

She will plan and execute several MoCCFOA conferences.

We’re excited to announce we’ve added a new Emelie to our team.

Emelie Orlando, a spring 2023 graduate from MSU, holds a Master of Applied Behavior Analysis and will serve as the part-time MoCCFOA Conference Coordinator. 

Let’s get to know a little bit about her:

What are you top 5 characteristics?

Loyal, Reliable, Ambitious, Creative, and Patient. 

What do you love most about Springfield?

I am quite the foodie, so I really love all the different and unique food places that Springfield has to offer!

What is one item on your bucket list?

I want to visit all seven continents.

What is a surprising fact about you?

I am a Swedish citizen and am bilingual. 

Make sure to say hi if you see Emelie around efactory!