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Back to school time means students of all ages at efactory

Back to school time means students of all ages at efactory

After a bit of a quieter summer, you may be wondering, “Where did all these young people come from?”

Well, in addition to MSU engineering students being back at the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center, we also are home to the entrepreneurship strand of the Greater Ozarks Centers for Advanced Professional Studies program

And we say, “WELCOME BACK!”

What are the GO CAPS students doing?

Through GO CAPS, high school juniors and seniors have an opportunity to take a deep dive into a field outside of a typical classroom setting.


Instructors build curriculum tailored to students’ interests, highlight standard industry tools and give students real-world projects to focus on to build their skillsets. Students also earn high school and college credit.


Springfield Public Schools is entering the ninth year of GO CAPS, and Dana Hubbard, director of work-based learning & student experiences, can’t say enough about the value for student participants.


“Every year is a new chance to help students find genuine career interests and grow their professionalism in a trusting and safe place,” Hubbard said. “Area business partnerships, like the one we have with the efactory, allow us the space to provide our students with authentic insight into the real work that is happening in our community.”

So when you see the 70 high schoolers flooding into efactory each day, just know that they may very well be looking at you as a future mentor.