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Growth: You make it all possible. Whether that’s by being a faithful member who spreads the news about what you do here, or if you’re a community supporter who shares about resources to new, aspiring or growing businesses.
We really couldn’t do it without you.
Now we’ve spread beyond our many walls at the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center and into Brick City 3, Level 3. It’s Coworking @ Brick, but it’s not what you imagine when you think of traditional coworking spaces. It’s shared amenities, with a bit more privacy for those confidential conversations. It’s collaboration space and focus areas.
It’s all about what you need.

Thank you to the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the Springfield Innovation Inc. Board of Directors, the Missouri State leadership team, our efactory members, the many funders who believed in us, and you – wherever you fall – for supporting us along the way.