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Missouri State celebrates successful first year as an EDA University Center.

Celebrating University Center Week

This week marked a special occasion for Missouri State University – our first ever celebration of EDA University Center Week! We were thrilled to be designated a University Center by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) last fall. This designation allows us to play a vital role in fostering economic growth within our region.

In case you missed our highlights this past week, here’s a quick recap of the exciting possibilities that come with being an EDA University Center:

  • Bridging the Gap: We’re committed to connecting businesses with the resources they need to thrive. This means creating a bridge between the university and employers, fostering innovation and supporting entrepreneurship.
  • Building a Stronger Future: The EDA funding allows us to showcase our expertise in community and regional planning. By supporting training and development programs, we empower businesses to make informed decisions and contribute to a more resilient regional economy.
  • Social and Economic Impact: Our University Center focuses on inclusivity and developing programs that create a lasting economic impact across the region. This translates to more opportunities for everyone – from individuals to businesses to entire communities.
  • Empowering Innovation: We’re particularly excited about continued support that allows us to collaborate with Innovate SOMO, a network dedicated to transforming the economic landscape of Southern Missouri. Together, we can provide new resources, retain talent and create a place where businesses and individuals can flourish.


We’re incredibly grateful for the support we’ve received through the EDA University Center designation. It allows us to continue doing what we do best – providing vital resources to startups, entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. But most importantly, it empowers us to create a more prosperous future for our entire region.

Here’s to a successful first year, and many more to come!