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Gabriel Cassady flexes his expertise through “Mortality, Machines, and Magic Words.”

Learning to embrace change

We’re in the wild west of artificial intelligence & everyone seems to be in a race to create the next big thing. With the technology being so new to our world, it’s likely you lean one way or another: You’re open & excited about the idea of something making life easier, or you just want things to go back to how they should be – controlled by humans. 

If you chose the former, AI isn’t going anywhere. And if you would rather stick to the traditional way of doing things, well, we hope you can adapt. 

“We’re living in historic times, and everyone needs to be paying attention,” said Gabriel Cassady of 2oddballs Creative, efactory member company. 

AI is a learning curve for everyone, & listening to experts can be one way to ease the uncertainty in unfamiliar times.  

Recently, Cassady  was selected to speak on the subject at the Missouri Press Association’s Annuel Convention. 

His experience in entrepreneurship, public relations, marketing & PR – all constantly evolving fields themselves – shows Cassady is ready for anything. He was game to share his perspective on why AI isn’t so scary, and also peer into the ture of work & life to reimagine how these tools can be used to maximize workplace efficiency.  

Optimizing time, focusing on priorities and seizing on untapped potential? Sounds crucial for any entrepreneur. Cassady thinks learning these tools now will put you ahead of the game as they continue to get more robust and prevalent. Understanding AI’s potential is the first step to implementing the tech into your routine & maximizing productivity.  

“The story of AI is the story of John Henry and the steam engine,” Gabriel Cassady of 2oddballs Creative says. “Today’s AI is the worst AI you’ll ever use – it’s continually getting smarter, better, faster – and if you don’t keep up, well, we know how the story ends.” 

2oddballs Creative co-founder, Gabriel Cassady
2oddballs Creative co-founder, Gabriel Cassady

It's time to side with AI

AI doesn’t have to be so scary. In fact, you probably use the technology more than you know. Here are some ways AI has made your daily life easier, without you even noticing!  

  • Your phone opens itself with face recognition. Because no one has time to be a locksmith anymore. 
  • Your social media feed is tailored to your interests based on sites you’ve visited. (Did you know the average person is exposed to up to 10,000 ads a day? Might as well see things you’re interested in!) 
  • Grammarly or spell-check correcting your small errors – yes, AI is looking out for you! 
  • Using “Hey, Siri,” “Hey Alexa” or “Hey Google” to make lists, give you updates or answer questions. 

It’s all AI. And as much you can try to ignore it, you’d have to crawl under a rock to avoid it.