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Your Next Part-Time Gig
Calling all designers, go-getters & detail-lovers, we’re looking for your expertise on the marketing and communication team at efactory.
This is a dynamic, thriving area of Missouri State University that is making a big difference in the state – developing incredible professional talent and supporting businesses of all sizes. To do that, we’re innovating new programs that reach a variety of audiences.
But if a new program grows in a forest and nobody knows, does it make an impact? That’s where MarCom comes in. Specifically, we are adding two part-time positions to assist in taking our efforts to a new level:
Front-End Web Designer
The website is a dynamic tool that needs new pages, fresh takes and regular updates to keep it looking great, functioning at peak performance and converting casual users to champions of our programs. If you’re:
- Experienced with WordPress
- A web designer that takes in creating sites that feel, look and function like the best in business
- On the leading edge of trends and web best practices
- Excited about collaborative projects
…we want you to apply!
Marketing Assistant
With such a strong portfolio of programs at efactory, we’re always developing new messages, content and materials to raise awareness and generate even greater interest in all we do. This position could be made for you if you’re:
- Masterful at developing and curating engaging social media content
- Passionate about and skilled in graphic design
- A ventriloquist (just kidding) – someone who can take on brand voice and tone with ease, ensuring brand consistency
Make your move now.