Now hiring: efactory receptionist
The eteam is in need of a receptionist! We’re looking for a quick thinking, client loving, calendar managing pro.
Ceramex graduates from efactory, moves into SRC building
We’re excited to send our best wishes (and moving boxes) to Ceramex North America as they leave their home at the efactory and get settled into their new office on the east side of town.
WON Communications heads underground
Our latest “It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later!” goes out to longtime efactory client WON Communications.
Cohort 3 wraps week seven with more investment talk
Accelerator teams wrapped up a second week focused on all things investment.
8 organizations driving economic development in Springfield
We’ve rounded up eight local orgs that are working their tails off to drive economic development in Springfield. Check em out!
Cohort 3 barrels through halfway point
Do you ever look around and wonder where the last six weeks went? These folks just did.
Content is King, or: How efactory Accelerator Teams Learned to Love Digital Marketing
We shook things up in week four and shifted our focus to marketing, social media, and everyone’s least favorite word: content.
Four ways #SGF can help Cohort 3 this week
Cohort 3 is officially three weeks in. They’re drinking the Kool-Aid (it’s actually coffee) and hitting their stride.
The efactory is hiring a marketing graduate assistant
If you’re a graduate student with an interest in marketing, social media, videography, and other fun things we want to hear from you!
The efactory’s accelerator teams fly through week two
Week two has come and gone for Cohort 3. Find a recap of their week below along with ways you can help.