Legal Updates & Constitutional Law

officers sitting in classroom with female instructor teaching

This course will provide information on the new laws that were passed recently by the Missouri Legislature. The officers will be asked to discuss the topics in a lecture style course and ample time will be provided for officers to ask questions and discuss the topics.  This course will cover the basics of the 4th […]

DWI-D Bootcamp

police officer at window of car on traffic stop

This is a 6-hour class that will focus on the investigation and prosecution of offenses involving drivers impaired by drugs other than alcohol. It will include a review of the drug categories and DRE protocols, a review of field sobriety tests that are frequently used in DWI-D cases, securing of appropriate samples for chemical testing, […]

Drug Trends

assorted drugs laying on table

This 4-hour class will focus on emerging drug trends. It will discuss what officers are seeing on the street now and what officers should expect to see based on what is happening in other states. This class will also discuss what officers should be looking for when they stop someone they believe to be driving […]

Dispatch: 40-Hour Public Safety Communications Course

dispatcher at table

Missouri Professional Training Partnership 40-Hour Course which meets or exceeds Chapter 650.340, RSMo Joint Communications Center initial training requirements. Students upon completion will understand the position, qualifications, and expectations of a Public Safety Telecommunicator covering topics for professionalism, key interpersonal communications skills, call processing, dispatch skills and liability considerations. Additionally, the course will provide familiarization […]

Dispatch: Continuing Education Training 2025

dispatcher at table

Active Listening – 1 Hour Skill Development Active listening is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding. It is an important first step to defuse the situation and seek solutions to problems. Hearing what is said differs from listening to what is said. Hearing is a physical act that […]

Human Trafficking Trends

fingers holding sign saying stop human trafficking

Is this course officers will learn how prevalent human trafficking is in Missouri and the United States.   This course will look at demographics of human trafficking, identify who are victims, who are traffickers, who are buyers, human trafficking indicators, terminology, trends, how to combat trafficking, resources of victims, and resources for law enforcement.

Officers Response to Mental Health Crisis

officer on radio calling for backup

The Officers Response to Mental Health Crisis will focus on training officers on how to respond to calls where someone is dealing with a mental health crisis.  These types of calls include: Recognizing Warning Signs of Suicide Recognizing Trauma, Stress & PTSD Depression, Bi-Polar & Stigma Understanding Psychosis Understanding Autism Spectrum Understanding Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Felony Traffic Stops and Use of Force Review

law enforcement stopping car and man standing with hands up under arrest

In this course, the class will discuss the dangers and safety concerns for traffic stops, misdemeanor and felony and the differences.  The students will discuss proper procedures for traffics stops including proper approach of vehicle, use of radio to clearly communicate, using equipment and vehicle to their advantage to enhance safety.   The Students will then […]

De-escalation through Understanding Implicit Bias & Racial Profiling

two police officers calming upset man in tan shirt

De-Escalation and Implicit Bias This course is designed to define De-Escalation as a technique to prevent escalation of conflicts as interpreted by several sources including Wikipedia. The student will learn additional words that also define De-Escalation and will be able to list several techniques used in De-Escalation trainings. The student will be able to accurately […]