Early-Stage Business Boot Camp – Cape Girardeau – 8-week program
220 N. Fountain Street, Cap Girardeau, Missouri 63701-7340, 220 N. Fountain Street, Cap Girardeau, Missouri 63701-7340
We’re thankful for the support of individuals, corporations and partners. Consider how you can get involved today. Donations can be made to the efactory through the Missouri State University Foundation, a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit corporation. Donations are entitled to all tax benefits authorized by law.
Donations can be made to the efactory through the Missouri State University Foundation, a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit corporation. Donations are entitled to all tax benefits authorized by law and naming opportunities are available.
Partnering with the efactory gives organizations an opportunity to actively engage with our region’s best entrepreneurs and innovators. Corporate partners also gain access to special partner benefits including meeting space reservations.
We’re always on the lookout for bright minds who want to be part of our work to advance entrepreneurship and innovation. Join our list of potential speakers, mentors, and seminar instructors.
220 N. Fountain Street, Cap Girardeau, Missouri 63701-7340, 220 N. Fountain Street, Cap Girardeau, Missouri 63701-7340
Missouri SBDC at MSU - West Plains, 395 E. Broadway, West Plains, MO, 65775