Becoming a Better Borrower – Buffalo
The Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC), the Dallas County Economic Development Group, and the New Growth Women’s Business Center will host a workshop for new and existing businesses focused on facilitating access to capital for your new or existing small business. Krishin Thadani, OMS, with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will share his commercial lending knowledge and experience with small business owners and entrepreneurs. Chrystal Irons will highlight SBDC programs and services for entrepreneurs. Representatives from the New Growth Women’s Business Center will be available to answer questions regarding personal credit and the WBC’s personal credit programs.
This course caters to both new and existing businesses with a focus on:
• Those in search of credit
• Individuals looking to deepen their understanding of the borrowing process
The sources of funding covered encompass:
• SBA guaranteed loans
• Conventional bank loans
• Microlender financing
There is no charge for this workshop, but pre-registration is required.