Successful Project Management (2-Day Program)
Managers are constantly called upon to manage projects or to be part of a project team. The effective management of projects – completion within a deadline and a budget, subject to performance criteria – is the cornerstone for business success. All projects are undertaken to achieve specific results and need a framework to help accomplish an important new objective; face new challenges and organizational structures, define objectives, communicate and instruct.
Day 1
- What is a “Project”?
- What is a “successful” project?
- Why do projects fail?
The Project Lifecycle
- Initiation
- Planning
- Execution
- Closeout
The Triple Constraints to Projects—Scope, Time, Cost
Processes and Practices
- Scope, Time, Cost, Quality Management
- Risk management
- Communications management
Managing the Scope
- Defining the objectives of the project
- Defining the work to be done
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Managing scope changes
Managing Project Time
- Estimating time to complete project tasks
- Resource loading and leveling
- Controlling project costs
Day 2
Managing Project Quality
- Project specifications
- Quality assurance and control
Managing Risk Management
- Risk identification
- Planning for risks
- Responding to risks
Managing Project Communications
- Who needs what, when, how, etc.?
- Reporting project status
- Measurement metrics
- Earned Value
Managing Multiple Small Concurrent Projects
- Managing multiple independent projects
- Small concurrent projects
Organizing for Project Management
- Traditional and matrix organizations
- Project office
The Successful Project Manager
- Roles and responsibilities
- Qualities for success
Project Infrastructure
- Change management system
- Project management information system
The Project Team
- Reasons teams fail
- Situational leadership
- Creating shared commitment
- Instilling team values
- Stages of team development
Project Closeout
- Overcoming the “90% complete” phenomenon
- Exit reviews
Methodology – Putting it all together
More About Why You Should Attend:
This seminar is applicable to any management level. This includes the manager who has responsibility for many varied projects: needs a framework to help accomplish an important new objective; faces new challenges and needs to organize, define objectives, communicate and instruct.
Learn the critical concepts and techniques needed to complete your projects within their cost, schedule, and performance targets. As a result of attending this seminar, you will be able to complete projects on time, manager resources more effectively, meet or beat budget objectives, achieve successful, quality outcomes, and minimize “redo” by doing it right the first time.