Think Water: Solutions
An adequate, affordable water supply is essential to maintain the quality of life and economic competitiveness of our area. As we look to the future, our region has examined water challenges and how to plan effectively based on those challenges.
We can store, treat and deliver water, but we can’t create it. Continued development in our region is anticipated, as this is a desirable place for living and working, but that development comes with the need to sustain water supply. Economic growth, increasing and changing water demands, drought, the cost and investment value of water, and aquifer sustainability are all areas requiring consideration and planning if we are to meet the future successfully.
Now is our opportunity to come together as a region to address long-term water supply and the impact on individual communities and the region. Working together allows us to share information, leverage resources, and create stronger solutions.
With this in mind, Southwest Missouri Water (Tri-State Water Coalition and the SWMO Joint Municipal Water Utility Commission) and Missouri State University will convene their annual regional water conference in Springfield, Missouri. This conference, titled Think Water: Solutions, will provide an opportunity for stakeholders interested in water issues to discuss current water issues and our regional water future.
DNR Water Operator Credit: 5.5 Water Treatment & Distribution Training Hours (DW-Blue Vouchers Accepted – Please Call Cody Brewington to Register with Vouchers)
Engineer Credit: 7 PDHs
Who Should Attend:
- Cities
- Towns
- Counties
- Business & Industry
- Agriculture
- Academics
- Utilities
- Elected Officials
- State & Federal Agency Representatives
- Other Groups with Missions Related to Water