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Take advantage of latest perk, Streak!

Members get three months free.

Partnering and resource sharing – it’s a major perk of working at efactory. We’re looking out for opportunities to make our members’ lives easier (and hopefully, less expensive, right?).

We recently met up with Streak to do just that.

Never heard of it? Well, it’s a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed specifically for small businesses. Super simple to use, it integrates with your Gmail or Google Workspace email account. Then, you can use it to manage all your interactions with your customers so that you can track that sales pipeline more seamlessly. 

With Streak, you can:

  • Track and manage customer data.
  • Schedule follow-up reminders.
  • Collaborate with team members.
  • Create and share reports.
  • Automate workflows.
  • Simplify email tracking and mail merge.

It also has options for email templates.

So, you're not a tech expert?

Many of you are, actually. But, one of the best things about Streak is that you don’t HAVE to be. It’s all right there integrated with your Gmail account, making it much more user friendly.

That’s why it’s great for small businesses. You probably already have a Gmail account, right? So simple. So powerful. Together, it makes it easier to stay organized and grow your business.


Why are we talking about this?

It’s a new perk for efactory companies! Now, get Streak’s pricing (3 months of free service along with a lifetime 25% discount) as well as a dedicated chat with Streak’s experts on how to set up the perfect fundraising, sales or hiring process for your business.

If you’re an efactory member and want to know more, just ask! We’d love to share it with you.