Grant funds high-tech manufacturing initiative at JVIC

Partner organization seeks to push the state forward with $5.4 million from Missouri Technology Corporation.
Meet Nicki Donnelson 👋

Our new marketing and communications director started Feb. 27.
Meet Emily Melton

Emily Melton joined our team on February 1 as our Administrative Specialist II. If you call us or stop by the efactory business suite front desk, chances are Emily will be there to greet you. Get to know Emily and stop by to meet her in-person soon! What do you like to do in your […]
Youth Coding League Introduces 5th-8th Graders to Coding and Computer Science

The Youth Coding League expanded into southwest Missouri this past fall and was offered at both schools and community organizations serving 5th-8th graders. Funded by grants from the Missouri Technology Corporation, Crowder College, and powered by Codefi, efactory, and the Innovate Southern Missouri initiative, the Youth Coding League has 21 southwest Missouri schools and organizations on the spring […]
$1.5 million awarded to Codefi Foundation and efactory for Innovate SOMO through Workforce Training Program

The grant will support the continued delivery of Codefi’s Code Labs, an adult computer programming training that gives participants the entry-level skills to get a job as a software developer in less than a year at no cost, with both in-person and virtual options. It will also support cybersecurity training in partnership with the Missouri Cybersecurity Center of Excellence.
Join Our Team – We Are Hiring!

Our team is growing and we’re hiring three new positions to join us in early 2023! Read more about the positions and apply.
Rosie to Become a Leadership Springfield Program

Rosie was launched in 2016 by Rachel Anderson and Paige Oxendine with assistance from United WE to support, assist and serve as an advocate network for women who are current and prospective founders, business owners and leaders in the Springfield region. Its mission is to help connect, partner, collaborate, and continue to increase the support and access to resources for women as it relates to professional development, business assistance, and leadership. It will now transition to become a Leadership Springfield Program.
Insperity Joins efactory Partner Program

Insperity has entered the southwest Missouri market and has joined the efactory Partner Program to assist entrepreneurs and business owners throughout the region.
Codefi and efactory Awarded $2M from the U.S. EDA to Support the Southern Missouri Innovation Network

Competing with nearly 200 applications from around the nation, the grant investment was announced last week and will support a new project initiative set to launch across the Southern Missouri Innovation Network to increase the tech startup pipeline through education boot camps, incubators, accelerators, increased access to capital, mentoring, and cross-pollinating programs to generate more regional economic impact. “We’re […]
Missouri SBDC at MSU Receives Recognition at Annual Conference

The Missouri SBDC at MSU received two awards at the annual conference. We’re excited to celebrate these exciting accomplishments.